Explore nilgiris
We provide you a wide range of travel experience and guidance around Nilgiris Travel. Book your tour packages at best price ever, travel around Nilgiris with experienced local travel guide. Explore huge hidden gem spots around Nilgiris, experience the sun kissing movement with floating cloud beds under your feet
Discover Unlimited Beauty
Experience the sun kissing movement with floating cloud beds under your feet, jungle safaris to meet wilds on their land, have a wonderful trek experience to cleanse your aura around beautiful mountains
Nilgiris hills are part of western ghats, the range of mountains spread across the borders among the states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala. It is located at the junction of three states, it is the first plastic free district in Tamil Nadu, Nilgiris covers around 2,552.50km. The temperature is maximum 20°C and minimum 0 °C. Several hills, peaks, parks, falls, dams, lakes and gardens to visit, hidden spots to trek. Sunrise, sunset and moon rise spots for camping and born fire